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Image: BPOE

Elks Lodges bring so much more to their communities than just a building, golf course or pool. They are places where neighbors come together, families share meals, and children grow up.

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Bergenfield (N. J.) Lodge Plans Huge Carnival for May
Bergenfield (N. J.) Lodge, No. 1477. instituted only a few months ago, has decided to stage a mammoth combination circus and carnival on its grounds on North Washington Avenue for the week of Saturday, May 24th, to Saturday, May 31st, inclusive. Among the circus attractions promised are elephants and camels for the children to ride, a menagerie and side shows. The carnival features are to include numerous booths, as well as a ferris wheel, carousel, swings and all the accessories, and there will be fireworks and music every night. One of the prizes to be awarded in various con tests will be a Special Six Studebaker, fully equipped. Popularity contests for a king and queen of the carnival, together with a prize baby show, are also being gotten under way, Candidacy for king will be limited to Elks, but the contest for queen will be free to all comers. May 31st win be the Mardi Gras night, when the winners in the contests will be announced. Plans submitted by Bergenfield Lodge for a new $100,000 Home have been approved by the Grand Exalted Ruler and the Board of Grand Trustees, and the profits realized by the carnival will go toward this building fund.

More News from May, 1924