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Ovation Given District Deputy Rowell At Visit to Berkeley (Calif.) Lodge
An ovation from 600 members of Lodges in the Bay District, including the Exalted Rulers and other officers of many Lodges, was given District Deputy Grand Exalted Ruler Dr. Hubert N. Rowell on the occasion of his official visit to Berkeley (Calif.) Lodge, No. 1002. A large class of candidates—the largest since Berkeley Lodge was instituted—was initiated and there was a banquet to the visitors. Short addresses were made by James M. Shanly, Past Grand Es teemed Leading Knight; Hardy C. Hutchinson, Vice-President of the California State Elks Association, and other distinguished guests. One of the pleasing features of the evening was the conferring upon Past Exalted Ruler James M. Koford of an honorary life membership.

More News from May, 1924