Who Are the Elks?

Image: BPOE

Elks Lodges bring so much more to their communities than just a building, golf course or pool. They are places where neighbors come together, families share meals, and children grow up.

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Pennsylvania Southwest Association Holds Interesting Meeting
Nearly two hundred delegates from Pennsylvania Elks Southwest Association, comprising Exalted Rulers and Secretaries from the twenty-three Lodges in the District, met recently at Etna (Pa.) Lodge, No. 932. A. novel and patriotic feature agreed to by each representative in the District was to celebrate Elag Day by offering prizes of $100 and $50 to the boy or girl in Grade schools in each District for the best composition written on the American Flag. Pittsburgh (Pa.) Lodge, No. 11, will hold a public demonstration at which the prize essays will be read and the prizes awarded. After the meeting Etna Lodge banqueted the delegates and an elaborate musical entertainment followed.

More News from May, 1924